Google also uses thermal modeling and finds inexpensive and creative ways to manage airflow. This allows them to actually raise the temperature in their data centers to 80°F (27°C), which significantly reduces the facilities energy use.

Google’s commitment to renewable energy is s great not just for their users, but also for web services that utilize Google Cloud Platform, which includes all websites hosted on CentrioHost.

Unlike reducing data transfer, switching to a green host does not require any changes to the website itself and can be done quickly and easily, enabling us to make significant reductions to our website emissions with minimal hassle. Switching to a green web host is the single easiest way to reduce website emissions.

3 Simple Steps to Lower Emissions

We can now see that there are tangible and in many cases simple steps that we can take to reduce our the greenhouse gas emissions from the websites that we operate.

  1. Benchmark our website carbon emissions.
  2. Reduce data transfer by reducing page weight and unnecessary page views.
  3. Switch to a web host powered by renewable energy.

If we all follow these steps, we can transform our industry and create a truly clean web, bringing emissions down in line with the targets set in the Paris Climate Agreement. Best of all, by doing so we can provide our users with improved user experience, in turn helping us to make more impact online and achieve a better return on our investment. A low carbon web is a true win-win-win for website owners, web users, and the environment.

Any thoughts? Would love to hear them below.